Hooray! We're back!
It's about damn
time... oh wait, I like not having anything to do.
M is on a leave
of absence from now on.
Good thing.
Stop interrupting.
I'm going to do the question now.
And what is it,
*glares* This week's
question is: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? WHAT THE HELL
KIND OF LAME-ASS QUESTION IS THAT?!?!?! *pout* I was trying
my best to think of something. And I figured since it's summer and it's
hot, it'd be an appropriate question.
M should've never
left an airhead like you to do the job.
Better me than an
arrogant brat like you.
So who should go
Why not you, since
it was your stupid idea?
Fine then. I would
have to say...vanilla. ^_^
Bo~ring. *snore*
Fine then, you go.
Maybe this time you'll actually have the guts to speak up.
Well I like death
by chocolate...for the obvious reasons. *heh heh*
Wow, she actually
did it. I'm gonna answer next and say chocolate chip mint.
Wow, that's mine
too ^_^
*mocking nasal voice*
Oh, wow, jeepers, that's fab! *gag* *rolls eyes*
Cherry, why don't
you go next?
Ok. My favorite
ice cream is cherries jubilee! *tee hee*
Well aren't *we*
a bit full of ourselves.
My favorite ice
cream is anything I can lick off of Satan.
Um, thank you for
your input...
I own all of the
ice cream factories.
No you don't. And
my favorite is chocolate.
That's boring, like
Shut up.
Be nice to your
*rolls eyes*
I like ice cream
So what's your favorite
...chunky monkey
*cough endorsement
Dream, you're last
to go.
Hm...I don't particularly
enjoy ice cream.
Well what kind of
freak are you?!
Er, I think that's
it for this week... Til next time, buhbye everyone ^_^