Question #3
Hooray! It's another fun-filled edition of "Question of the Week"!
More like "Question of the month", and gag me. -_-*
Don't be like that. We're supposed to be getting along for the sake of the site!
I wouldn't mind this pathetic dump shutting down. Now shut up and ask the question.
That's an oxymoron.
You're an oxymoron! Now hurry it up, I ain't got all day!
Alright, chill.
*gives her one of those "Dur-I-can't-chill-I-live-in-the-land-of-flames" looks*
*rolls eyes* *sigh* Alright, this week's question... *face falls* oh...
What is it?
*clears throat* The question is: What do you think of this site?
I think we better talk to M about this...
Eh? Huh? Did someone call me?
Yeah...did you see this question?
Yeah, I'm the one who wrote it up.
Are you sure that was a good idea?
Yeah, the girls can give some good feedback on the site.
*snort* Don't put all your fireballs in one cauldron, freak.
*glares* Watch it. Just carry on, girls, you'll be fine. Now excuse me, I have to clean up the mess someone made on the previews pages... *sighs and trudges away*
*nervous gulp* well, um, who'd like to go first?
I will! :-D
~_~ No, we already know what you think.
Yeah! This site sucks! And don't you forget it!
I disagree, I think this is a very creative site, especially considering what limited resources M has to tell her story.
I agree. I love this site. ^_^
*gives Decree a "Ha-ha-see" look*
I especially enjoy the book reviews. They provide an inisghtful and thorough view of some of literature's greatest works from a variety of vivid perspectives.
But there aren't any book reviews on this site...
There aren't...? *is confused and disillusioned*
*gives Eternity a "Ha-ha-you-forgot-that-Mandy-is-a-strange-and-misled-schizo" look*
Oh good Lord, can't I get a normal opinion?
Yes, I will say that this site is the best thing to happen to people since the invention of sliced bread...not that I don't like sliced bread. But I love this site almost as much as my own afterlife because it is so compelling, thought-provoking, and heartfelt.
*from a distance* Awwwww, really?
I like books. ^_^
*pets her* yes, honey, that's right...
Then again her entire collection of Dr. Suess books is enough to entertain anybody.
Next I'm working on Harry Potter! ^_^
Although that may be a little advanced, so don't strain yourself, honey...
We're not talking about books! We're talking about the site!
Ok. Well I like this site.
Who's your favorite character?
Who cares?! That's not the quesion!
Um, what was the question again?
What do you think of this site?
Oh, well it's cute. Creative. Oh, wait, scratch that. I think I need to say something more insightful. Hm...
Er, we'll come back to you...
Oh, ok, I have my answer. My favorite character is Satan cuz-
We're not talking about characters!
*blink blink* Er...what was the question again?
For the last time, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS SITE?
.........In terms of what? Cuz there's lotsa aspects-
ARGH! Forget it! Let me simplify the question. Do you like this site? Yes or no. I'll go around in a circle. Everyone restate your answer. Ok?
Ok...I say yes.
*pause* Er...
No chance in almighty Hell.
I said yes or no only. -_-
Sheep ^_^
Yes... *shifty eyes* *cough*
Good. So that's 7 yeses, 1 no, 1 undecided, and, er, one "sheep". Well then, that's all for now. Now you can go back to the main page. Thank you for dropping by!
Wait! I know my answer now! ...hey, where is everybody going? ...Don't you wanna hear my response? ....Wait - oh...