FEATURING: <~'H'ell's Angels: Decree, Lark, Tierra, Mandy, and Reia
        and  ~^Heaven's^~ Angels: Eternity, Lindsay, Dream, Eve, and Cherry Hello Everybody! Welcome to my site, dedicated to the most bitchin' angels in the afterlife! I am your hostess, M (it's short for my name), and this page is dedicated to my alter ego, Decree. *sweatdrops* Yes, for all of you newcomers, there's a special character page so you get a little background on my girls. I suppose that's it for now. Please feel free to sign the guestbook. And if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or whatever for me or any of the other angels (or the other characters too), e-mail us and let us know what's up (NOTE: HTML AND FILE ATTACHMENTS CANNOT BE RECEIVED HERE) ^_^ That's all for now. Toodles!!!
She's dead. I am officially going to kill her and overtake her immortal soul.
Sounds painful...I like it. ^_^
Would you stop talking about me like I'm not here?! I mean, I'm tied up, being threatened with a switchblade and a red-hot poker....
Two months! Two freakin months and nothing!
You have a public to please!
No she doesn't.
Alright, alright, I'm sorry! Look, I've been really really busy!
*presses blade harder to her throat* That's always your excuse.
But it's such a good one! Look, I would've loved to have updated, I really would've! Please, please let me live. I have a good plan!
...We're listening...
Alright, this is what I'm gonna do: I'm gonna update once a month, at the end of the month, and I'll add new editions of everything, new features here and there, and of course new episodes. So whatever I have done at the end of the month is what gets put up. Guaranteed updates! Starting this month. So whadda ya think?
...Hm....I suppose it'll work for now.
Hurray! ...Can I get down now?
Fine. I was bored with you anyway. *cuts M's ties*
Hurray! I'm free, I'm free! *trips*
...moronicus... BTW, dorkwad, tell the two people who actually come to Loserville what's new this month.
Ok! To start, I have two new episodes ^_^
Oh how pathetically thrilling.
Shut up. I also have a new question, new interview, and a new page. Links. That's right. Anyway, the previews have been updated, nothing out of the norm., so that'll be it for this month and we'll see how it all works out. Ta ta! ^_^